Career Guide

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    Saturday, March 17, 2018

    | Career Advice | A Day in the Life | Career Advice | A Day in the Life |
    Career Advice

    Career Planning

    Generally, millennials and Gen Zs get bored too quickly – they dislike routine work and administrative or repetitive jobs because they are explorers. They like to explore various things before finding the true purpose in what they do.

    A Day in the Life

    Just do it,now!

    The speed at which technology advances has become so rapid, commentators say that the new smartphone you bought six months ago is now outdated. Change is moving at an alarming rate and it shows no signs of slowing down.

    Career Advice

    Incremental Learning

    Today's fast-paced VUCA (vulnerable, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world and the future workforce require capable employees to meet the demands of the industry. With Industry 4.0 looming in the distance, companies are now facing a critical gap between industry needs and skills.

    Stuck In A Rut?

    We have to be very careful in choosing our pursuits, because our habits make us. Cultivating the right habits will send you in the right direction. They’ll help you to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

    A Day in the Life

    Having A Bad Day?

    As my career coaching client rushed in the door for our lunch meeting, her eyes darted around the coffee shop until she found me.