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    Saturday, June 09, 2018

    | Brain Bulletin | Be A Leader | Thought of the Week | Hard Talk | Consulting Corner | Starting Young | Company & Talent |
    Brain Bulletin

    Gamification vs game-based learning

    Buzzword are rife and new ones keep on showing up with increasing rapidity.

    Be A Leader

    Are you happy?

    As I visit businesses, schools and universities, delivering talks here in Malaysia and overseas, there’s never a time when I’m not bowled over by the enthusiasm of people who have a strong desire to develop themselves and make a difference in the world.

    Thought of the Week

    Addressing the ‘Y’ in Gen-Y

    Generation Y (Gen-Y), the young generation of this current age, refers to those born between 1980 to around 1999.

    Pompous, conceited, egotistic…

    Arrogance. It’s such an ugly word. Sadly, the ones who are arrogant may not know that they are.

    Hard Talk

    Learning & development: What’s next?

    In 2015, there were 2.5 billion Internet users. What is the expected number by 2020? Five billion.

    Consulting Corner

    The future of education

    Depending on how old you may happen to be, when you hear the term ‘gamification’, you may think it is a wonderful idea or a childish distraction.

    30 Days of learning

    Did I spend time on developing a new skill or gaining some new knowledge?

    Give without burning

    Merriam-Webster defines the term ‘give-and-take’ as the practice of making mutual concessions.

    Staying relevant

    The key difference between a company that stays on the cutting edge and one that fades away, always boils down to one thing: Decisions.

    Starting Young

    Hidden wisdom

    “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”– Angela Schwindt

    Company & Talent

    Good Vs great employees

    Want to hire superstars?