Saturday March 30, 2013
Office Tour
It is really handy for a new employee to get acquainted with the office and know where the exits, toilets, pantry and photocopy machine are located. Instead of feeling disoriented, they will feel more comfortable at the workplace.
Say Hi
While everyone may be on a Superman schedule leaving virtually no time for chit chat, make some time to introduce yourself and get to know the new employee. Getting to know more people will help him/her adjust quickly.
Let Them In On Who’s Who
Inform them about who is responsible for several key departments which everyone has to liaise with such as the IT department, human resources and the administration. This way, they will know who to contact when they need assistance in these areas.
Invite Them for Lunch
As basic as this sounds, it is often overlooked as everyone already has his or her lunch clique. Take the initiative to invite the newbies for lunch and get to know them better. Your friendliness will put them at ease quickly.
One Direction
Talk to the employee about the organisation, its current targets and value system. This will allow him/her to act in sync with the organisation’s values. Inform the employee how his/her contribution will lead to achieving the organisation’s target. A strong sense of direction and purpose will help the employee build a quick sense of belonging and ownership with the company.
Let’s Party!
Invite the new employee for unofficial social events where most people in the office are invited. Certain companies have a culture of post-work socialising which is certainly not found in the employee handbook! It is a great way for the newbie to forge new friendships which can go a long way both in and out of the office.
Make Yourself Available
The new employee will certainly have a barrage of questions to ask. Make yourself available to him/her to clarify any doubts. This way the new employee will feel at ease asking many questions that may otherwise inconvenience others.
Company 101
It is imperative that the employee be familiar with the products or services of the company regardless of which department he/she is working in. The lack of knowledge will be embarrassing especially when dealing with clients.
Break the Ice
Some new employees may seem unfriendly or indifferent but make the effort to get to know them better. The new environment, maybe even country for expatriates, can be overwhelming. For example, introducing them at the company meeting or pulling funny little pranks can make them feel more welcome.
A smile can brighten up anyone’s day especially if the newbie is still feeling like a fish out of water. A friendly face can settle jittery nerves. Smiling also reinforces a positive working environment in the organisation.