Getting The Job

10 Best jobs in Australia & New Zealand for a working holiday

If you are a millennial who is planning an unforgettable working holiday experience, here are the 10 best jobs in Australia and New Zealand you may want to try with a working holiday visa.

1. Customer Service & Sales Assistant
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM55 – RM170 per hour

This is one of the easiest ways to earn money in a comfortable office as opposed to fruit picking or house cleaning. However, most employers will prefer to hire those that are fluent in English or who have experience in telemarketing.

2. Research Assistant
Hourly wage Range in RM: RM65 – RM88 per hour

There are plenty of universities, non-profit organisations and even government agencies conducting research to improve the environment and general quality of life. This opens doors for temporary research assistant vacancies which are available to working holiday visa holders too!

3. Administration Executive/ Assistant
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM60 or more per hour

Basic criteria for this job requires you to have worked in the country for at least a year, and you can further extend this job for a second year under specific circumstances. Despite the lower chances of getting hired, do not let that stop you from applying. You can even aim for a temp job and may even score yourself a decent pay of at least RM50 per hour.

4. Retail Executive
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM50 – RM70 per hour

One of the most common jobs in major cities is a job at retail stores. It is pretty easy to land a part-time job in any of the major cities, and the requirements are pretty basic as long as you can speak English and have a friendly attitude, you’re good to go.

5. Childcare or Nursery Jobs
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM50 – RM68 per hour

Many websites offer a platform for travelers and families or parents to get in touch with each other, so they can meet each other’s needs – a personal childcare provider and easy money. On top of children and babies, you can also serve as a senior caregiver in these countries as some families may need the extra help to take care of their elderly family members.

6. Barista, Bartender or Waiter
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM50 – RM70 per hour (excluding tips)

There are plenty of food and beverages operators looking out for part-timers to fill up the vacancies due to the high turnover rate. If you are lucky, you can even enjoy free meals for working in these restaurants and save more money throughout your working holiday. However, this line of work can be tiring at times especially when the place is fully occupied with hungry customers.

7. Fruit picking/harvest work
Hourly Wage Range IN RM: RM34 – RM85 per hour

Most backpackers on a working holiday visa are allowed to earn a second year in the country if they do regional work for a total of 90 days, which is why many travelers look out for this line of work when they first arrive in Australia or New Zealand.

8. Event Set Up Assistant
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM50 and above per hour

You may be required to travel quite a bit which is not a bad idea since you are traveling in the country anyway. The only thing is, you will need to prepare yourself for a lot of physical work including setting up booths, running errands, managing logistic, food ordering and basically help in any way to run a successful event.

9. Hotel concierge or Assistant
Hourly Wage Range in RM: RM44 per hour or free accommodation

This may not be a well-paying job in Australia and New Zealand as compared to the rest, yet it is one of the easiest jobs that you can find while holding a working holiday visa. All you have to do is just hand out your resume at the hotels, complete a walk-in interview and if you pass that, you have yourself a job.

10.WWOOF (Working Weekends On Organic Farms)
The concept of “WWOOFing” is to work in exchange for food and accommodation. In most cases, the deal will be to work 4hours / day, 5 days/week in exchange for food and accommodation for the whole week.

We’ve heard about all types of jobs being done while WWOOFIng, from the classic gardening and wood chopping to the fun island-sitting, ice cream-scooping or even sheep herding. This is the best way to really discover what New Zealand is all about. You will integrate with a Kiwi family, be treated as part of it, and take part in any aspect of their lives.

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