Getting The Job

Returning to Full-Time Work after Freelancing: Is There a Way Back?

One of the reasons many fresh graduates remain unemployed is the struggle to find a job that matches their skills, and so they embark on their own careers. While other seasoned professionals might quit their 9 to 5 job to find a bigger purpose in their life, a job that has more fulfillment. It sounds great but the reality is, we need to pay the bills and we need a steady income to get us through life. Some succeed and have a better quality of life, but many face the challenges of financial insecurity, long hours or the overwhelming responsibility of being your own boss. Once it starts to take a toll on your quality of life, you might want to consider a full-time employment.

Is it possible to return to full-time work after freelancing? For starters, you need to know how to sell the skills you’ve gained during your freelance work. Think about the skills that could be transferred to your next full-time role. Some employers might have troubling understand how a freelancer could offer the skills they need, so it’s your job to show them. Trust in your abilities to transfer your skills and display you have the motivation and desire to do what it takes to be a full-time employee.

Secondly, you are no longer the boss and some employers may question your ability to take direction from a superior. Can you work in teams? Will you be able to work towards a shared vision that isn’t your own? You will need to be able to shift your mindset from that of a self-employed individual to a full-time employee. Be professional and motivated, display that you are a team player and you can add value to a team, while also ensuring you deliver results.

Focus on the positives and try to minimize the negatives. Instead of highlighting a particularly challenging project or maybe a business that failed, speak about the skills you used to overcome those challenges or circumvent the failure. You might have excellent negotiation skills, the ability to think long-term, crisis management, etc.

And lastly, offer to start off as a contract employee or part-time hire if your employer is a little skeptical. Alternatively, you can suggest that the probation period will be a good time for them to assess your skills and value to their team, use that opportunity to work hard and prove yourself worthy. Once you’ve secured your full-time employment, don’t slack off, but keep up the pace and be indispensable.

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