
Cool offices: Flexibility in employee growth

Flexibility seems to be a key word these days. Whether it’s flexible schedules, shifts or hours, it seems to be something most employees want. Employees are a core aspect of most corporations, and while companies all across the board say they value them, actions speak louder than words, as the cliché goes. And Aegis BPO Malaysia definitely speaks pretty loud in this regard.

“Aegis is always seen as a very flexible organisation; we are able to manoeuvre our policies so as to target continuous improvement. We always customise our engagement and our processes to suit the modern worker,” says Padmanabhan Ganesan, vice president of human resources Aegis BPO Malaysia. “We have split shifts, part-timers and short term employment, depending on how people would like to be employed. Our employment opportunities are customised in a way to accommodate the needs of today's generation.”

Ganesan, vice president of human resources Ganesan, vice president of human resources

Headquartered in India, one might think Aegis knows how to invest in their employees well, with 50,000 employees in 9 countries. Ganesan explained that coming to Malaysia was a very natural decision for the company, considering the strategic location and diverse cultures here. It foreshadowed his own journey; originally hailing from India, Ganesan moved to Malaysia to integrate and expand his own development here.

Aegis’ culture

“Happy people, happy customers, happy shareholders” is their mantra, believing that customers won’t be happy if the employees aren’t happy, furthering emphasising their focus on their well-being.

The colourful wallpaper and decor brighten up the environment. The colourful wallpaper and decor brighten up the environment.

To accommodate their growth, Aegis provides numerous opportunities to improve skills and talents. Training opportunities and establishing leadership potential within the organisation are all part of its effort in investing in their employees. This organic growth allows staff from any level of the corporate hierarchy to rise to management positions, even moving to head other regions. “We believe we must use the talent within the organisation, and this has been a capability of ours,” Ganesan proclaims.

While educational qualifications are important, the right attitude is a bigger factor for Aegis’ considerations. “The most important quality we look at is whether they have the right attitude. We’re very keen to invest on people with the right attitude,” says Ganesan.

He believes the company is able to move forward due to the attitudes and capabilities of the individual, along with the flat hierarchy they practice.

There are several places for staff to chill and take a breather. There are several places for staff to chill and take a breather.

“We find out what the employees want, instead of enforcing what we want to give them,” Ganesan says regarding the staff. “It gives them an opportunity to learn something in the process as well.”

Aegis’ office space

All this focus on flexibility wouldn’t be complete without the office space being conducive for such endeavours. There are all sorts of rooms and amenities, ranging from pool tables, dart rooms to indoor games and even a room for people to watch television. Several rooms are available for relaxing and taking a break—frequently utilised by those who need a siesta in between their shifts and those taking a quick breather from their work. For those who may prefer more athletic activities in the vicinity, Ganesan exclaims that the gym is one of the most fascinating ones he’s seen.

The bright colours and illustrations all over the office help to liven things up and make for an engaging atmosphere. Ganesan himself enjoys the wide variety of spaces available, “I don't like to sit in my room. I like to be wherever the action is.”

Part of the action involves preparing Aegis for future challenges, something they consider not to be threats or difficulties, but opportunities for excitement. With offices in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya and Johor Bahru, Aegis looks to expand to a fourth location soon in Malaysia.

A spacious, state of the art gym encourages healthy living. A spacious, state of the art gym encourages healthy living.

Ganesan remarks, “If there are results today, it's been produced by the people in the organisation.”
